Midwest Sanitation & Recycling has several sizes of dumpsters from which to choose. The most common are the 2-yard and 3-yard dumpsters shown to the right. These dumpsters can be used for various needs. Doing a bathroom renovation, putting in new flooring, or ripping up some old carpet? The 2 or 3 yard will fulfill your needs for projects like that. When ordering for a temporary project, these dumpsters are billed on a per empty basis. If you are looking for permanent service, the pricing structure is a fixed rate per month.


Call us at 888-428-2610 for other size options, pricing quotes, and general questions. We’d be happy to help you decide which dumpster and service is right for you.







2 yard
40″H x 40″W x 60″L


3 yard
40″H x 60″W x 75″L